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Once the box had been built and a hole had been made for my belly, it was time to test this contraption out. After adjusting the height of the table a few times, I finally pulled up my shirt and pushed my belly through the hole....IT FIT PERFECTLY!!! Esa and I were so relieved since we had been building this thing for many days. And yes my belly did protrude enough to make an impression.

Next was finding a fancy golden frame onto which I could construct the "base" for my tummy. They cost way too much to buy, so I had to borrow one from somewhere. I had no luck asking theaters, they just had old tattered frames, when what I needed had to arouse a feeling of dignity and awe. A frame which would let the viewer know that what they were looking at was a precious piece of art. I then called YLE, which is one of Finlands largest TV/radio stations and the janitor told me to drop by and have a look. When I arrived my heart sank as I saw row by row of old dirt beaten up frames...